2023 Winter Classic
The Situation
- NHL contacted Kursza
- NHL saw the work of Kursza through various events and coverage and wanted to enhance the media coverage of the 2023 Winter Classic
- Kursza was ecstatic to help with this flagship event and proposed a solution.
What We executed on
- Asset Reel https://vimeo.com/787228764
- :90 Recap https://vimeo.com/786994332
- 4 Short Form content
- 3 VFX
- 1 Reels Edit
- Used on NHL’s Youtube & Socials
- Their Recaps
- 72 hour turn around
The team
- 1 Director
- 2 Cam Ops
- 2 Producers
- 1 Specialty cam op
- 1 Editor
- 1 VFX artist